A look around ‘On Tree Time’

My solo exhibition at Edinburgh Palette, ‘On Tree Time’ was about the ways in which trees adapt and endure.

Although they move too slowly for us to perceive, over the span of centuries wood flows, trunks twist and limbs turn. I presented a new body of works on paper in charcoal, pastel and oil, celebrating the resilience and life force of trees.

Here’s how ‘On Tree Time’ looked in the gallery.

This exhibition brought together three strands of my work about ‘Tree Time’, a phrase coined by long time champion of ancient trees, Ted Green and one which chimes with my experience of discovering and drawing them for the last 12 years.

“When I begin to draw an ancient tree I’m struck by a powerful feeling of my being a short-lived creature amongst ancients.”

June 2021 felt like a new beginning, for me having my first solo show as a full-time artist and for all of us as a time to begin living publicly again after the hardest winter months.

After many weeks of not being able to travel to my usual woodland drawing sites and working hard in the studio, I was proud to show the results to people in person at last.

Due to the uncertainty surrounding public events and difficulties with framing supplies, I made the decision to install most of the work unframed.

Many thanks to Edinburgh Palette and its staff for their support and assistance in mounting the show.

You can view the full online exhibition here.

