‘Turning Towards the Light’ Artist Talks

artist talk at Linlithgow Burgh HallsWhat a joy is was last week to be back in a big room talking to people in person about my exhibition and journey towards it as an artist. There were some thought-provoking questions at the Burgh halls event, like ‘How do you feel about the effects of recent storms on trees?’ and ‘Have you ever refused to sell a work to someone you didn’t like?’ (that was a first!)

However, while it’s lovely to do that again, I’ve realised over the last 2 years that online events and platforms can have an important role in making art and events more accessible. I’ve attended lots of talks, conferences and other really interesting online events which would have been impossible for me to get to physically, so I want to offer that to anyone interested in my work too.


‘On Tree Time’ virtual tour and Artist talk

On Tree Time exhibition posterWe artists are very adaptable, so in response to the restrictions in place during the exhibition I found some new ways to take the art to people who couldn’t be there in person.

Virtual tour

I did a live tour on Instagram so my followers could get up close with the art…


Artist Talk

My Artist Talk went ahead on Zoom not in a room. I always enjoy talking about the ideas and processes involved in making the works, so it was fun to be able to share that with folk across the oceans!


You can see the full exhibition online here and find installation photos in this blog post.

If you’d like to hear about future exhibitions, talks and events, you can get the inside info by subscribing to my Studio Newsletter.
